Thursday, July 9, 2009

EDM 310 assignments for Monday July 13th


Here are the Podcasting Groups

Education and the Military: Robert Mounsey and Mark Collins

Games and Education: Courtney Parker, Amanda Norwood and Jonathan Orr

Burpback Education: Jessica Miller, Ashleigh Hill and Ashley Ryals

Youtube and Education: Lindsey Parker, Keith King, Jeremy Evans and Brandee Moore

Itunes and Education: Anjel Clark, Owen Gates and Rosa Howard

Assignments for Monday July 13th:

1. Complete your group outline and turn in a copy to me
2. Do some research on your topic and bring it with you
3. We are going to start recording our podcasts on Monday
4. Make sure you are signed up for Foliotek

We only have 3 class meetings left and we need to get our Podcasts done, Do our Foliotek, and Do a Final.

See you Monday!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

EDM 310 assignments for Wednesday July 8th


Today, we will do the following:

1. Talk about the Podcasts you listened to from the Technology Technology Blog.
2. Get together in groups.
3. Start making an outline for the podcasts.

I apologize for the time crunch but we only have 3 class meeting left after today and we have to get the podcasts done, do Foliotek and do a final.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Current Podcasting Groups

Education and the Military: Robert Mounsey and Mark Collins

Games and Education: Courtney Parker, Amanda Norwood and Jonathan Orr

Burpback Education: Jessica Miller, Ashleigh Hill and Ashley Ryals

Youtube and Education: Lindsey Parker, Keith King, Jeremy Evans and Brandee Moore

Itunes and Education: Anjel Clark

I need the following students to pick a topic listed above and join one these groups:

Owen Gates
Rosa Howard

I want to keep the topics at 5 so try and fit in with the ones above. One group is going to have 4 because the Education and the Military group is only going to have two members. We need 2 for the Itunes group and 1 for the games group for sure and the last person can be the 4th in one of the groups. Think about it and let me know Wednesday.

Monday, July 6, 2009



I am going to be out due to a family matter today.

Today, Monday July 12th, will be a work day for you to finish any assignments that you have not completed. This includes any blogs you may have not done yet, the Professional Blog, submitting podcast topics, etc. or you can work on the blog assignment for this Wednesday. IF YOU HAVE NOT SENT YOUR BLOG TOPIC PREFERENCES PLEASE SEND IT BY TOMORROW.


I want everyone to listen to 2 podcasts from previous EDM 310 classes found at the following link EDM310 PODCAST BLOG. Write a paragraph about each one that you listen to and discuss what you think about the podcast in general and give pros and cons about each one. I think this will help us before we make our own podcasts.

Thanks again,
Mr. Tashbin

Sunday, July 5, 2009

EDM 310 Assignments for Monday July 6th


Due to leaving Thursday for the 4th of July weekend, I did not post a blog assignment for Monday July 6th.

On Monday July 6th we will do the following:

1. Finish our Professional blogs.
2. Start putting us in our Podcasting groups.
3. Begin work on our Podcasting outlines.

See you then.